This Privacy Policy applies to the products offered by STUNNALADY. Sometimes, we may post product specific privacy notices to explain our products in more detail. At, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers, which is why we will not sell any personal identifiable information to any third party. By visiting, you are agreeing and accepting to the practices described in this Privacy Notice.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to email us at or write to us at:

Information Collection and Use
STUNNALADY.COM collects personally identifiable information when you request information from STUNNALADY. On such occasions, we will ask for your name, email address, zip code and personal information concerning your interests, occupation, gender and other demographic information. STUNNALADY.COM also receives and records information from server logs from your browser including cookie information relation to pages requested and the like. This helps us better understand what our customers would like to see from us. We use this information internally regarding what our customers want and mailing of circulars and special offers from STUNNALADY. We do not give or sell Personal Information to any other party. If at any time you do not want to receive offers and/or circulars from us. You can always remove yourself from our mailing list by sending an e-mail to

In addition to the above, we may use the information we collect to provide, maintain, protect, and improve our services (including advertising services) and develop new services. We will also protect the rights or property of STUNNALADY or our users. If we use this information in a manner different than the purpose for which it was collected, then we will ask for your consent prior to such use.

STUNNALADY processes personal information on our servers in the United States of America and in other countries. In some cases, we process personal information outside your own country.

Information sharing
STUNNALADY.COM only shares personal information with other companies or individuals outside of STUNNALADY in the following limited circumstances:

We have your consent. We require opt-in consent for the sharing of any sensitive personal information.
We provide such information to our subsidiaries, affiliated companies or other trusted businesses or persons for the purpose of processing personal information on our behalf. We require that these parties agree to process such information based on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
We have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary to (a) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, (b) enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations thereof, (c) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, or (d) protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of STUNNALADY, its users or the public as required or permitted by law.
If STUNNALADY becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of some or all of its assets, we will ensure the confidentiality of any personal information involved in such transactions and provide notice before personal information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Your Personal Information Security
We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. These include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data.

We restrict access to personal information to STUNNALADY employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to process it on our behalf. These individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations and may be subject to discipline, including termination and criminal prosecution, if they fail to meet these obligations.

We reveal only the last four digits of your credit card numbers when confirming an order. Of course, we transmit the entire credit card number to the appropriate credit card company during order processing.
It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer.
Security of the Information You Provide
Among our top priorities is keeping your Personal Information secure. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, which provides the highest level of security currently available for secure transactions, to encrypt all of your Personal Information before it is transmitted to us. Encrypted information cannot be read or recorded as it travels over the Internet. You can tell you are sending information securely by the unbroken key icon or closed lock icon that should appear at the bottom of your Internet browser’s window (depending on what browser you use). These icons will appear when you are placing an order on our Web site. In addition, you will see our site address change slightly, from http: to https: indicating a secure server connection is being used.

Additionally, access to your Personal Information is provided only to our employees and agents who have a need to know such information for the purpose of fulfilling your order and offering our high level of customer service. The computers that store your Personal Information are located in a separate facility, which employs the latest in firewall and security technology.

Children’s Use of STUNNALADY.COM Website
STUNNALADY is committed to protecting the privacy of children. We recommend that children under the age of 13 obtain the consent of their parent or guardian before submitting any information to STUNNALADY. If you are under 18, you may use only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

Opt-out Email policy
We ask that you notify us when you do not wish to receive emails or newsletters from us. We will only send email for customer service purposes and to those visitors who have indicated that they wish to receive other types of email from us. If at any time you wish to stop receiving email from us, you can always remove your name from our mailing list by sending an email to stating that you wish to unsubscribe.

Modifications to this Policy
STUNNALADY.COM may make modifications or amendments to this policy from time to time. In the event that such changes alter how we gather, processe, use or disclose your personally identifiable information, we will post such changes on our site.

Automatic Information
Examples of the information we collect and analyse include the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information such as browser type, version, and time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, and platform; purchase history, which we sometimes aggregate with similar information from other customers to create features such as Purchase Circles and Top Sellers; the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) clickstream to, through and from our Web site, including date and time; cookie number; products you viewed or searched for; and the phone number you used to call any of our offices. We may also use browser data such as cookies, Flash cookies (also known as Flash Local Shared Objects), or similar data on certain parts of our Web site for fraud prevention and other purposes. During some visits we may use software tools such as JavaScript to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

Intellectual Property
STUNNALADY, licensors, or the original creators of all materials on the STUNNALADY Web site own all copyrightable subject matter on this Web site and all trademarks, patents, proprietary information, technologies, products, processes or other proprietary rights of STUNNALADY and/or such other parties. No license to or right in any such copyrights, trademarks, patents, proprietary information, technologies, products processes and other proprietary rights of STUNNALADY and/or other parties is granted to or conferred upon you. In addition, direct linking, deep linking, framing, page-jacking, metatagging, and using a robot, spider, or automated device of any kind to monitor or copy our Web site is strictly prohibited. STUNNALADY hereby authorizes you only to copy the content herein solely for your personal and private use in learning about, evaluating, or acquiring STUNNALADY products. Except where expressly noted, no other permission is granted to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter, or modify the content contained on this site. Any unauthorized use of any material contained on this site may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. Any other use of materials on this site, including reproduction for purposes other than those expressly permitted above, modification, distribution, or republication, without prior written permission of STUNNALADY is strictly prohibited. Any copy made by you as permitted above must retain all copyright and trademark notices, including any other proprietary notices, contained in the materials. The use of such materials on any other Web site or in any environment of networked computers is prohibited.

Hypertext Links
In the event, this site contains hypertext links to sites that are not created or maintained by STUNNALADY, this Privacy Policy applies only to this Web site and not to any of these third party Web sites. STUNNALADY is not responsible for the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of those third party sites. The inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by STUNNALADY of the site. STUNNALADY disclaims any liability for links that cannot guarantee the standards of any Web site to which links are provided on this site nor shall STUNNALADY be held responsible for the contents of non-STUNNALADY sites, or any subsequent links. For this reason, STUNNALADY does not represent or warrant that the contents of any third party Web site is accurate, compliant with state or federal law, or compliant with copyright or other intellectual property laws. STUNNALADY does not endorse the contents of these third party Web sites in any way. Also, STUNNALADY is not responsible for web casting or any other form of transmission received from any linked Web site. Any reliance on the contents of a third party Web site is done at your own risk and you assume all responsibilities and consequences resulting from such reliance.

Privacy Changes

We may change this page from time to time to reflect how we are processing your data, if we make significant changes we will make it clear on the WWW.OSTUNNALADY.COM website and any of our other services, or by some other means of contact to the best of our ability.

Cookie Policy

Our website uses cookies to collect information relating to; browsing and purchasing behaviour by people who access our websites, information about pages viewed, products purchased and the customer journey around our websites.

For more information, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback about this policy, would like us to stop using your information, want to exercise any of your rights as set out above, or have a criticism, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care team, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have and are trained at dealing with any personal data matters.

As we understand it is important to recognise physical information counts in our policy, we will shred any documents that contain personal data as well as providing the same rights to physical information as electronic.